Jen does an awesome job of introducing herself so without further ado.... My first (though hopefully not only) guest blogger, Jen.
I asked Mo sometime ago if I could post something on her blog and she said "sure". It's long over due I tell the world how amazingly wonderful she is. I've known Mo since I was 4. Most of my memories especially those from the time I can first remember have her in them. We grew up on a street full of kids but because her and I are the same age (one of us is a few months older, not telling which one) we went to elementary, middle and high school together. We were in the same classes, girl scouts, swim lessons, you name it. I know this girl better than she knows herself sometimes and I know she can say the same for me.
To all the men/boys out there who have done her wrong you've got yours coming! Especially you Dipshit. On the flip side, especially to you Dipshit, I get to read all of the stories about your stupidness which is entertaining but you've hurt my Mo. I want you to know Dipshit we make fun of you, put you down and you're not given any credit what-so-ever for being a stand up human being. I realize there are two sides to every story but I pick sides and I pick hers. If our paths ever cross watch out because I'm going to drop kick you in the face so hard you won't know what hit you. (I've been practicing). If it wasn't for you Dipshit, Mo won't end up being on the NY Times best seller list so the only thing I'll thank you for is the millions she will earn someday based on what she writes about you and your stupidness. Have I mentioned you're a moron?
Mo is my oldest, brightest, smartest, witty, humorous, imaginative, fun, adventurous (in her own right), an amazing entertaining writer, always there for you kind of a friend. These kinds of friends don't come around nor hang around for a lifetime. I'm truly blessed. I can call, text, write, holler, scream, yell, tell the honest truth, laugh until my stomach hurts, tears running down my face and know she will always be there. The time we spend together is never boring and she is like a sister to me.

It frustrates me when Mo sometimes doesn't see what I see. Everyone gets down, everyone isn't always where they want to be at all times in life. Everyone goes through shit in life, some of us more than others. I know she will get through this just like she's gotten through everything else in life. And it's perfectly ok to be sad. She hears this a lot from me and she's going to hear it again....The Law of Attraction. I know naturally she can't have children but nothing is written in stone saying she won't be a Mom someday. And the most wonderful one at that! Never say Never Mo!! Have hope, dream and dream big!! You may be lonely but you are never alone. I know I can't make it better for you but snap your fingers and I'll be there. We're only 1/8 of the way to having the most fabulous life. Part of the 1/8 for me is having you in my life.
Here is just a taste of some of the text messages we have.
Jen: I've decided I want a fabulous life and I'm only about 1/4 of the way there! Lol! (felt like you're the only one I can share this with)
Mo: LOL. I feel I'm about 1/8th of the way there. I do after all have intelligence, a sense of humor and mad cooking skills. Jen: I rescue people, have an infectious laugh and I like to sleep.
All my love to you Mo now and always!!
P.S I know stupidness isn't a word but I think it should be ;)
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